Who are we?
/ An introduction
"Camerata Primo
Tempo " de Zamora is a group dedicated to
spread choral music in any of its forms, profane or religious,
classic or popular, a capella or with
accompaniment. Formed by a changeable staff of about 36
members, it comes offering its concerts for 10
years, principally in the city of Zamora and its
province; it takes part, in addition, in the musical events to
which it is invited in the rest of Spain and, occasionally,
/ Curriculum
The beginnings of " Camerata Primo Tempo " go
back 1995, when a group of young students of music, heading by
Mercedes Lorenzo Arnaz, constitute a choir orientated to
covering an extensive repertoire and a varied range of styles,
from classic works of different periods of the History of the
Music, up to popular and traditional music, inside and outside
our country.
She´s from Medina del Campo
(Valladolid). She obtains the Teacher's degree of Piano
for the Conservatoire of Valladolid, and later,
she becomes Professor of Solfeggio and Theory of the
Music, Transposition and Accompaniment for the
Hight Conservatoire of Salamanca. In the year 1991, she
is a teacher of Harmony in the Conservatoire of Zamora more